Rendili StarDrive
Rendili is a major warship manufacturing company. Unlike
Kuat Drive Yards and similar corporations, it tends to
produce smaller support ships, transports, and other odd
vessels in addition to traditional designs.
Assault Frigate
The Alliance's "Assault Frigates" are modified
versions of Rendili's Dreadnaught. All such ships
have been altered so that the required crew and
necessary maintenance is substantially reduced.
Much of the internal structure is exposed to space,
and fin-mounted engines provide added
(Source: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook)
Name: Assault Frigate
Type: Frigate
Length: 700 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 6
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
15 Laser Cannons
20 Quad Laser Cannons
15 Turbolaser Batteries

Source: Heir to the Empire
Battle Horn-class Bulk Cruiser
A "bulk cruiser" is simply a multipurpose vessel
that can act as a limited warship if necessary.
Like all such ships, the Battle Horn is slow and
(Source: Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook)
Name: Rendili StarDrive Battle Horn-class
Bulk Cruiser
Type: Transport
Length: 600 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 4
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors
Dreadnaught-class Star Frigate
The Dreadnaught is a very old multipurpose
warship, in use decades before the collapse of the
Galactic Republic. Although relatively small, these
vessels had excessively high crew requirements,
although the abundant personnel of the Republic's
navy did not render this a problem. However, there
were a number of crew-reduction projects
undertaken, and the Empire encountered problems
when it began using these ships in unimportant
sectors and other places where navy enlistees were
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught-class
Star Frigate
Type: Frigate
Length: 600 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 4
LucasArts Sublight: 12 MGLT
ILM Sublight: N/A
10 Turbolaser Cannons
20 Quad Turbolaser Cannons
10 Turbolaser Batteries

Source: Dark Force Rising
Lictor-class Dungeon Ship
"Dungeon ships" are prison vessels designed to
hold especially dangerous or unpredictable
prisoners, and were used to transport Jedi when the
Emperor came to power. The Lictor-class is a common
example of these, capable of holding thousands if
(Source: Dark Empire Sourcebook)
Name: Rendili StarDrive Lictor-class
Dungeon Ship
Type: Transport
Length: 764 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 3
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
10 Quad Turbolaser Batteries
2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Source: Dark Empire
Neutron Star-class Bulk Cruiser
The Neutron Star is apparently a slightly
different version of the Battle Horn, listed above.
(Source: Rebel Alliance Sourcebook)
Name: Rendili StarDrive Battle Horn-class
Bulk Cruiser
Type: Transport
Length: 600 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 4
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
30 Quad Laser Cannons
2 Tractor Beam Projectors

Source: Rebel Alliance
Republic-class Star Destroyer
The Republic was one of the first ships produced
by Rendili after the collapse of the Empire. It is
presumably a larger, more powerful version of the
(Source: Cracken's Threat Dossier)
Name: Republic-class Star Destroyer
Type: Destroyer
Length: 1250 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 6
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
40 Turbolaser Batteries
40 Turbolaser Cannons
20 Ion Cannons
10 Tractor Beam Projectors
Victory-class Star Destroyer
The Galactic Republic used the Victory-class
extensively in its final days, as did the Empire.
These ships, which exhibit the common "dagger"
warship shape, can function in a variety of roles,
and are even capable of atmospheric travel.
However, despite their size, Victories are somewhat
slow in normal space.
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Victory-class Star Destroyer
Type: Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x1
WEG Sublight: 4
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
10 Quad Turbolaser Batteries
40 Turbolaser Batteries
80 Concussion Missile Tubes
10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Source: Essential Guide to Vehicles
and Vessels
Victory-class Star Destroyer (Mark
The second version of the Victory-class
destroyer added faster engines, but lost the
atmospheric-travel capability.
Two types of Victory Star
Destroyers have been seen: one with "wings," and
one with X-shaped outcroppings. The Essential Guide
to Vehicles and Vessels labels the "wings" as
atmospheric maneuvering surfaces in the VSD
blueprints. Thus, the winged Victory is probably
the Victory-I, and the X-Victory is probably the
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Victory-class Star Destroyer (Mark
Type: Destroyer
Length: 900 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x1
WEG Sublight: 6
LucasArts Sublight: 8 MGLT
ILM Sublight: N/A
20 Turbolaser Batteries
20 Double Turbolaser Cannons
10 Ion Cannons
10 Tractor Beam Projectors

Source: X-wing Vs. TIE