Sienar Fleet Systems
SFS is perhaps the largest ship manufacturer that focuses
on smaller craft, especially fighters. Its extensive
industrial base also allows it to build larger vessels when
the need arises.
Sienar is most famous for its TIE fighters; there are far
too many to list on this page. A fairly complete catalog can
instead be found on
Guardian-class System Patrol Craft
Unlike the IPV 1 (see below), the Guardian
system patrol craft is fast, lightly-armed, and has
a hyperdrive, since it is often the only ship
available in unimportant or sparsely-inhabited
systems that occasionally come under attack by
smugglers and other criminals.
(Source: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game:
Second Edition)
Name: Sienar Fleet Systems Guardian-class
System Patrol Craft
Type: Corvette
Length: 42 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x1
WEG Sublight: 9
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
4 Laser Cannons
Immobilizer 418
Sienar's Immobilizer 418 is a common example of
an "Interdictor," a ship which carries
mass-simulating gravity-well projectors. This
particular model is a basic design, carrying the
projectors and light weaponry but not much else.
Unlike larger Interdictors (such as the
ship from Kuat Drive Yards), the Immobilizer
418 requires the help of other vessels for
protection, usually fighters or other warships.
This ship is commonly
known as the "Interdictor Cruiser," but
"Interdictor" seems to be the common name for any
vessel carrying gravity-well projectors.
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Sienar Fleet Systems Immobilizer
Type: Frigate
Length: 600 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 6
LucasArts Sublight: 8 MGLT
ILM Sublight: N/A
20 Quad Laser Cannons
4 Gravity-well Projectors

Source: Essential Guide to Vehicles
and Vessels
IPV 1 System Patrol Craft
System patrol craft, such as this one, are
designed exclusively for planetary defense. They
have no hyperdrive, and their armament usually
consists of anti-fighter guns or small
warship-level weapons. In general, these ships will
go up against pirate groups or criminal craft, not
enemy invasion fleets.
X-wing Vs. TIE Fighter
includes a different
rendition of this
ship and gives its length as 153 meters.
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Sienar Fleet Systems IPV 1 System
Patrol Craft
Type: Corvette
Length: 120 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: N/A
WEG Sublight: 7
LucasArts Sublight: 76 MGLT
ILM Sublight: N/A
4 Turbolaser Cannons

Source: Imperial Sourcebook
Lone Scout-A
This ship is simply a one-person courier or
transport, used mostly in remote sections of the
(Source: The Star Wars Roleplaying Game:
Second Edition)
Name: Sienar Fleet Systems Lone
Type: Transport
Length: 24 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 5
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
1 Laser Cannon
Skipray Blastboat
The Skipray Blastboat carries a wide array of
weapons, enough that it is suitable for any
situation where a fighter would be used. It carries
both concussion missiles and proton torpedoes,
along with both laser and ion cannons, usually
matching the weaponry of opposing starfighters,
whether they be escorts or strike fighters or
(Source: Imperial Sourcebook)
Name: Sienar Fleet Systems GAT-12h
Skipray Blastboat
Type: Starfighter
Length: 25 meters
WEG Hyperdrive: x2
WEG Sublight: 8
LucasArts Sublight: N/A
ILM Sublight: N/A
3 Ion Cannons
2 Laser Cannons
1 Concussion Missile Launcher
1 Proton Torpedo Launcher

Source: Heir to the Empire