Star Wars Ships and Vehicles


SoroSuub originates on Sullust, and focuses on civilian goods, although it has produced some military-oriented craft at times.

Preybird-class Starfighter

The Preybird-class Starfighter is an older heavy fighter design, often used by nonmilitary organizations and small militaries.

The statistics listed here are derived from those of the Raptor and Skyclaw.

(Source: Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook)

Name: SoroSuub Preybird-class Starfighter
Type: Starfighter
Length: 21 meters
  WEG Hyperdrive: <x3
  WEG Sublight: <9
  LucasArts Sublight: N/A
  ILM Sublight: N/A

Raptor and Skyclaw

Source: Thrawn Trilogy Soursebook

Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser

The triangular Quasar Fire-class ships are among the smaller "modular" cargo carriers. These ships can be fitted with cargo holds, passenger modules, or (with modification to the hull) starfighter bays.

The propulsion and weapons statistics of a standard Quasar Fire are not currently known.

(Source: Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels)

Name: SoroSuub Quasar Fire-class Bulk Cruiser
Type: Transport
Length: 340 meters
  WEG Hyperdrive: N/A
  WEG Sublight: N/A
  LucasArts Sublight: N/A
  ILM Sublight: N/A


Source: Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels

Personal Luxury Yacht 3000

The Personal Luxury Yacht 3000 is one of SoroSuub's civilian designs, equipped to ferry government officials, business executives, and other important individuals from star system to star system.

The statistics listed here are derived from those of the Lady Luck.

(Source: Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook)

Name: SoroSuub Luxury 3000
Type: Transport
Length: 50 meters
  WEG Hyperdrive: <x2
  WEG Sublight: <7
  LucasArts Sublight: N/A
  ILM Sublight: N/A
  1 Laser Cannon

Lady Luck

Source: Heir to the Empire comic